Volumes and issues  

SG – Volume 2

Raumbezogene Vorstellungsbilder am Beispiel Leipziger Wohnquartiere – ein Annäherungsversuch auf der Grundlage einer visuellen Methodik   
K. Wiest
Page(s) 85-96
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 511 KB)   Discussion Paper (SGD)   Special Issue

  12 Sep 2007
Transnational mobility and the spaces of knowledge production: a comparison of global patterns, motivations and collaborations in different academic fields   
H. Jöns
Page(s) 97-114
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 312 KB)   Discussion Paper (SGD)   Special Issue

  14 Nov 2007
Mobile talent or privileged sites? Making sense of biotech knowledge worker mobility and performance in Sweden   
H. Mattsson
Page(s) 115-123
Abstract   Final Revised Paper (PDF, 232 KB)   Discussion Paper (SGD)   Special Issue

  20 Dec 2007